Only 15…but with a Global Brain
The Kellogg-Recanati International EMBA program celebrated its 15th Anniversary on 19th March 2012, at the Hilton Hotel, Tel-Aviv. Over 500 students, graduates, faculty staff and program professors were invited to the festive event which showcased the quality and excellence of the Kellogg-Recanati program.
 Alumni from KR07 & KR08
For the first time in the history of the program, the event was open not only to the members of the Kellogg-Recanati community but to their guests and senior managers as well. Each one of the invitees brought up to two guests who received a small taste of the academic world and sense of the strength of the KR community. Stuart Ballan,KR04, VP sales at RewardLife Ltd. and the president of the Kellogg-Recanati alumni club said:"The 15th anniversary event was certainly a source of pride. For many years we wanted to determine a milestone by which we could introduce our life and our community. The event, the guests and the notion of the panel expressed all together the unique nature of Kellogg- Recanati".
 Alumni from KR12
The event, led by Prof. Gadi Ariav, opened with breakfast and greetings from Prof. Asher Tishler the Recanati Dean, Prof. Israel Zang and Prof. Donald Jacobs the founding Deans of the Kellogg- Recanati program and Prof. Arthur Raviv, the academic director of the EMBA Program at Kellogg-Recanati. Prof. Raviv also congratulated the guests in the name of Prof. Sally Blaunt, the Kellogg Dean, who could not attend the event. Following the greetings, Prof. Mohan Sawhney, articulator of the network-centric innovation notion, gave his lecture on "Network-Centric Innovation: Harnessing the Global Brain".
The closing part of the event was a panel lead by Guy Rolnik (KR01), Deputy Publisher, Haaretz Group, Founder & Editor-in-Chief, The Marker Media, about "The imperatives of the global brain for Israeli executives". Prof. Mohan Sawhney, Dr. Yossi Bachar, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Israel Discount Bank and Mr. Yossi Vardi, a businessman and an Israeli high-tech entrepreneur participated in the panel.
 Orit Mendelson Shoham, Prof. Roni Ofer, alumni and their guests
One of the most exciting things that happened that morning was Prof. Larry Franklin's announcement regarding the establishment of the Ariav & Franklin Scholarship Fund. The purpose of this fund is to increase the diversity of the students participating the program by providing one or more scholarships each year. Prof. Franklin made a personal donation of $11,000 and asked the graduates and their guests to join him in contributing to the scholarship fund.
Moshe Hillel, KR11, General Manager of Texas Instruments summarized the event:"It was not just a regular event that people come at the end of their workday. Here we had the priceless chance to have a gathering at breakfast with our friends and colleagues and enjoy an amazing lecture by Prof. Mohan Sawhney. The world stood still - I could have listened to him for a long time. The panel was interesting and enriching … it was also very emotional to meet my classmates. Seems like yesterday we sat side by side at the courses, and now, like a magnet, we quickly returned to our old days. I definitely left wanting more and I look forward to the next events".
 Alumni from KR06
 Alumni from KR11
 Prof. Mohan Sawheny, Alon Mimoni KR11, Omri Yoffe KR14
 Prof. Israel Zang & Stuart Ballan